Our Villlage

Muira is a village located near the Iganga district in Uganda.
From Kampala, the capital of Uganda, Muira is about 180 kilometers away.

Population and Demographics

The exact population of the village is difficult to estimate as there’s no census information. However, from our outreach communication we estimate the number to be around 8000. There are more woman and children when compared to men. In recent years, the village has experienced noticeable population changes, with a significant increase in the number of children. This surge can be partly attributed to a baby boom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the villagers in the village have been here for generations.


Most villagers earn their income from herding and farming, primarily growing crops such as maize, pineapples, and banana/plantain. The average monthly income in Muira ranges from 20,000 UGX to 50,000 UGX, pending on crops and seasonal conditions. Most individuals start work at the age of 10, often on sugar cane plantations. They may work within the village, or walk up to 20 kilometers to work in neighboring villages.


In Uganda, the government provides free primary education for all children. However, despite that — many children are unable to attend due to lack of space, transportation, and support. There are a few schools within a 15 kilometer radius of Muira Village Health Center, but as previously mentioned, there is an abundance of children versus the available number of seats. Regardless, the children in the area are very positive on the outlook of their lives — many wanting to be policemen, pilots, and teachers.


Muira Village Health Center is the primary medical facility for villagers. A majority of the villagers walk to the clinic, up to 20 kilometers away, while some have use the service of a boda-boda(public motorcycle transportation) for means of transport to the clinic. Nambale Sub County Hospital is the second nearest clinic and it’s about 8 kilometers away. Following that, the nearest large hospital is in Iganga, roughly 20 km away. Government hospitals often refer patients to Muira Village Health Center if they run out of medication or require a second opinion.

The major health issues in the village include malaria, hypertension, malnutrition, and upper respiratory tract infections. You can visit our Clinic Data page for more information.